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Welcome  to  Hartford  Family  Foundation, Inc.

We created this organization in the days immediately following the passing of Darcie Hartford, as a means to continue her legacy and to help other families in similar situations.  Darcie -- my wife of 15 years and the mother of our two young children -- was 36 years of age when she was diagnosed with Stage IV colorectal cancer in July 2019 and only 38 years of age when she passed on November 21, 2021. 


While our mission is still being created, we are guided by the basic tenets of Darcie's principles, spirit and faith.  In spite of the suppressing reality of her diagnosis, she lived her life with dignity and grace -- evidenced so frequently and so obviously by her radiant smile.  And she chose to focus on the positives of our existence -- of its excitement and joy -- as opposed to the incredible challenges that she and we faced throughout her battle.  It is this focus and this spirit that guides us as we build this organization.  Please see her obituary for some additional perspective on her life and her character.


Creation of this organization wasn’t premeditated.  Instead, we spent the 2.5 years between her initial diagnosis and before her passing focusing on navigating her treatment, raising our children, and trying to maximize whatever time we had remaining.  That said, we are honored and beyond humbled by the trust and faith in our new organization by so many.  While our mission is still being formally finalized, we are building the organization with a focus on three key areas:


  • First and primarily, we intend to concentrate our efforts on directly assisting young families afflicted with diagnoses of critical illnesses, with an emphasis on cancer.  The inspiration behind our organization’s creation was borne out of our family’s gratitude for the help we received throughout Darcie’s own cancer battle.  While the support didn’t necessarily change her ultimate outcome, it undoubtedly provided our family more time together focusing on our love of each other than we otherwise would have had.  We hope our foundation can return this favor to others that are dealing with the unbearable difficulties and impossible trade-offs associated with similarly devastating diagnoses.

  • Second, we recognize that early detection is often the best prevention of terminal outcomes with such diagnoses.  We unfortunately only learned of the presence of the disease in Darcie when it had already progressed to Stage IV -- too late for us to materially alter her fate.  We hope to direct resources to the awareness of the benefits to the early detection of cancers, particularly those of which are proving to be trending younger among adults.

  • And third, we hope to support academic and other research as well as scholastic opportunities for individuals that are oriented toward the study of cancer.


On April 5, 2022, the Internal Revenue Service notified us that the organization had been determined to be exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3).  We are also determined to be classified as a public charity under IRC Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi).  Receiving formal tax-exempt status was expected but is an important milestone nonetheless, as it enables us to broaden our fundraising reach to organizations that require such a designation before authorizing a charitable donation (including certain corporations through their charitable donation match programs, donor-advised funds and other groups).  Donors can deduct contributions made to us under IRC Section 170.  We're also qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522.  If you or an organization with whom you are affiliated need relevant information to help with realizing tax deductibility of contributions (including our EIN), please reach out to us and we'll get you the necessary documentation. 


In the less than eight months since Darcie has passed, we've come from the simple inspiration of an idea to a full-fledged organization.  In May 2022, we were honored to have partnered with our first family, to whom we distributed a grant consistent with our mission.  We identified our second family in June 2022.  And in July, we are hosting an event with an aim of fully funding, from the proceeds of the evening, assistance to our third family.  Please see our 'Events' tab for additional information.


We’ll communicate information and updates as we continue to build the organization throughout 2022 and beyond.  But we’re incredibly motivated by the response by so many to maximize the potential and reach of the Hartford Family Foundation.  And know that what we do will be consistent with Darcie’s beautiful spirit and performed with the same joy and enthusiasm with which she lived her life -- and that we’ll do it together, as a team.  Thank you again for your interest, your support, your help and your love.  Much more to come from us.






Ben Hartford

President -- Hartford Family Foundation, Inc.


“Blessed are you, holding the gentle compassion that wraps memories in grace.”

Kate C. Bowler

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